Welcome to the Classic LandCruiser Club of Queensland's Website!
The CLCQ is a group of early LandCruiser (20 - 55 series) enthusiasts ranging from those of us who can't help but modify everything through to those who insist on the paint on the bolts on the the inside of the glovebox being to OEM.
As a club, we run regular 4x4 outings and other events with various levels of difficulty, and the club is full of individuals with a lot of first hand knowledge of the old Cruisers.
The club has members all over Qld, and even interstate and as we grow we are very keen on setting up regional branches of the club.
We are members of 4WDQLD with all the associated perks of being in that organisation and have all the required public liability insurances, As an incorporated association Club, we able to offer our members support for Special Interest Vehicle registration in Qld.
This group is maintained for members only, if you are interested in joining the club, or would simply like some more information, head to the contact us page or jump over on our facebook group
Contact details, membership application forms and the Club Charter can be found on the website, as well as in the files section on facebook page or just contact us.
Nathan Ferdinands
President and Founding Member
Classic LandCruiser Club of Queensland
PO Box 136
Goodna QLD 4300